SSK, We therefore have grasped the business opportunities by importing the equipments for alternative enerygy such as Liquuefiled Petrolium Gas (LPG) and Natural Gas (NG) for vehicles and industrial sectors, including the equipment for LPG,NGV gas factory.
1. ITO KOKI - Regulator
Single stage Regulator
Model : 1). C-10A-1 2). C-20-1 3). GL-50-1 4. GL-70-1 5.G-32A-1 6 . G-36C-1
Second -stage Regulator
Model : 1.C-10A-2 , C-20-2 , GL-50-2 , GL-70-2,G-32A-2 , G-36C-2 , GL-300-2 ,GL-400-2
First-Stage Regulator
Model : CM-100 , GM-50 , GMF-70 , GMF-100,GMF-200, GMF-300,GMF-400,GMF-500
Variable Type first-stage regulator
Model : I-72-1 , I-72-2 , I-72-3 , CM-100-H1 , CM-100-H2 , GMF-70-H1 , GMF-70-H2
Seperate Type Automatic change over regulator
Model : AX-30A-0 , AX-50-0,AX-70-0 ,AX-30A,AX-50A,AX-70
2.SGX Govenor
Model : SGX-15 , SGX-10A , SGX-20 ,SGX-25 , SGX-40 , SGX-50 , SG-24A , SG-32B , SG-36A
3. Relief Valve
Model : CM-100R , GM-16A-R , SGX-15R ,SGX-20R ,SGX-25R ,SGX-40R
4.NGX Governor
Model : NGX-20 , NGX-25 , NGX-25-2 , NGX-32 , NGX-50
5.Seperate Type Autpmatic change Over model : AX-30A-0 , AX-50-0 ,AX-10AH1
6.Ammonia regulator Model : AC-15 , AC-15F , AM-150 , AM-150F
7.Riken Gas detector : GP6001/GDA80 , SC-01 , GX-8000, GX-8000F , GP-5000
8.Aichi Tokei regulator model : A20N-1,A40N-1,A50N-1,A20N-2,A30N-2,A13N-1,A50N-2,A30N-3,C20N-005-1
9.Ball check valve 1/4" , Hamai Ball check valve 1/4" , Katsura ball check valve1/4" , Ito koki check valve 1/4"
10. Ammonia regulator gas